Out and About

For my local comp in Taranaki, event 2 of the Perfect Wave Super 8 Series had to be called o as it wasn’t the best conditions for it, so sadly they postponed it to the 4th of August


Every pro was once an amateur.
Every expert was once a beginner.
So dream big.
And start now.

Out and about

After we went for a training session with Chris from Taranaki Strength at Stent Road, we decided to go for a surf at Rocky Point, which has a left and right hand break. Rocky Point is about a 30 minute drive from New Plymouth and we decided to surf the left. On this day it was about 3 to 4 foot. It was fun because we didn’t have to take o on the big alfredos rook as it was a king high tide and It was really fun as we had the waves to ourselves.

Local Competition

For my local comp in Taranaki, event 2 of the Perfect Wave Super 8 Series had to be called o as it wasn’t the best conditions for it, so sadly they postponed it to the 4th of August. That weekend I made it to the U18 and Open Women’s  nals. In the U18  nal I got 3rd , in the Open Woman’s I came 1st. and I made it to the quarter nals for the Open Mens. The conditions were super clean it was a fun day.

In the News

The unprecedented Whale strandings is a very sad thing. 11 Sperm Whales ended up being washed up near the Kaupokonui River mouth in South Taranaki. 8 of the Whales had been discovered on the 24 th of May 2018 and the rest were found 3 days later on the 27 th of May. It is unclear how the Whales died and it is a mystery that may never be solved. All of the Whales were male and it had been named as a Batchelor pod. There has been a lot happening in the water from seismic testing to undersea iron sand mining which the project targeted to remove 50 million tonnes of material a year over 25 years. Maybe some of these things have had some in uence on this happening. Hopefully this won’t happen again.